Your education is a great investment. Start managing that investment now by acquiring money management skills that will help you make sound financial decisions. Poor financial decisions may become habits even before we decide how to manage our own money.
Financial wellness appointments
One Stop counselors are certified in personal financial management and are here to help you. Some examples of the topics certified One Stop counselors can help you with:
- Paying for college
- Understanding the cost of attendance
- Setting up a budget
- Live like a student
- Borrowing loans
- Borrowing history
- Federal student loans
- Private student loans
- Parent PLUS loans
- Student employment
- Finding and applying for a student employment position
- Benefits of a student employment position
- Student loan debt management
- Exit counseling
- Student loan repayment
If you’d like to set up a meeting with a certified One Stop counselor, send an email with what you would like to discuss from your University email account to [email protected] with “Financial wellness appointment” in the subject line.
We will be in touch with you to set up an appointment and will then pull together specific resources to customize your meeting.