An enrollment verification may be used to defer your student loans, get insurance discounts, and for things like scholarships and visas. You can get an enrollment verification from MyU and print as needed. You have some choices about what to include on an enrollment verification document.
An enrollment verification can include:
- Enrollment for all terms or only the most recent term. For each term, enrollment will be listed as full-time, 3/4-time, half-time, or less than 1/2-time (no status listed if not enrolled)
- Cumulative GPA and credits for all terms or only the most recent term
- Expected graduation date
- Degree/certificate awarded
- Degree GPA (GPA as of the date your degree was conferred, available only for undergraduate degrees)
Get an enrollment verification in MyU
Text instructions
- Log into MyU and select the Academics tab.
- Click the “Enrollment Verification” link in the “Registration and More” section at the bottom of the page.
- Select the information you would like to appear on your enrollment verification.
- You may display a term range (use the magnifying glass to select the terms), all terms, or the most recent term.
- Select which additional fields should be included. Example: GPA is often requested for good student insurance discounts.
- When you are ready to proceed, click the “Submit” button.
- Your enrollment verification will display. You may print this using your browser’s print function.
- To request the University send your enrollment verification to a third party, select “Request Institution to Mail” from the menu.
Visual guide
To open the guide in a new window, use the full-screen version.
If you do not have access to make an online request, you can submit an Enrollment/Degree Verification form.
Third party requests
If you need to get an enrollment verification on behalf of a student, you can do so from the National Student Clearinghouse. Note that there is a minimal fee.
When can I request a verification letter instead of a transcript?
Depending on what information you need to verify and for whom, a verification letter may be sufficient. If you need to verify only your full-time status and GPA, for example, you may wish to request a verification letter instead of a transcript. Verification letters are free and requests are processed within one business day.
Do I always need a verification letter to defer my existing loans?
No. The University participates in the National Student Clearinghouse, which notifies many lenders about student's' enrollment status.
The University submits a tape of students' registration statuses to the Clearinghouse three times each semester (starting the end of the second week). The Clearinghouse, in turn, supplies verification of registration to lending agencies. All deferment loan forms are forwarded by the Office of the Registrar to the Clearinghouse; this information is not supplied directly to lending agencies.
What if my loan should be deferred, but I receive a collections letter?
If you have enrolled late or had an exception processed to your registration, your enrollment information may not be reported until the submission of the next tape. The Clearinghouse asks that if you receive a collections letter from a lending agency, you:
- Call the lending agency to see if a deferment form was received between the time the Clearinghouse supplies this information and the lending agency sent the collection letter.
- If, after calling the lending agency, it still appears that your deferment has not been processed, you may call the Clearinghouse, 703-742-7791, and ask for a student service representative. The representative will verify the date on which the deferment form was received by the Clearinghouse, the date the deferment was certified and mailed, the registration status that was certified, and where the forms were sent.
- If an emergency exists (for example, you are being threatened with default) the Clearinghouse will intervene on your behalf by faxing another deferment to the lending agency and will work with them to ensure the form is processed on a high priority.
What if my lending agency is not a member of the Clearinghouse?
Some lenders are not members of the Clearinghouse. If you receive a loan deferment form from your lender, bring your request in person or mail to One Stop Student Services.
What if my credit load has been reduced due to illness, injury, or medical or physical disability?
Minnesota law allows a student who takes at least 60% of a full-time credit load to qualify as a full-time student for purposes of continued health care coverage on a family policy if the reduced credit load is due to illness, injury, or mental or physical disability and with appropriate documentation from a physician.
Health plan companies are responsible for informing you of this option, if it applies to you. You can receive certification of your credit load and the number of credits required for a 60% credit load from One Stop. Your physician should then forward your certification with the appropriate medical documentation to your insurance company.
More information about deferments and other exceptions to the definitions of full-time and half-time status are available by contacting One Stop by email, by phone, or in person.